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Input View Guide

After importing data into the Smart Replenishment Plan, the Input View allows you to review, edit, and refine your data. The imported data is displayed in a spreadsheet format, with each sheet representing a specific aspect of the planning process. You can access all the sheets using the bottom-left icon with three lines, which provides a quick navigation menu for easy access.

Some tables and columns are editable, while others are locked to maintain data integrity. Below, we explain each table and indicate which columns are editable.

Input Tables and Columns

1. Parameters

The Parameters table sets the key planning configurations but is not editable.

Column Name Editable Description
Parameter Name No The name of the parameter ("Planning Horizon," "Planning Frequency")
Parameter Value No The value associated with the parameter.


  • For the "Planning Horizon" parameter, this value should be a number less than or equal to the total number of periods in the Demand Plan. If it’s less than the number of periods in the Demand Plan, only the first set of periods will be used.

2. Sites

This table provides details about distribution centers (DCs) and stores but is not editable.

Column Name Editable Description
Site Name No The name of the site (e.g., "Main Warehouse," "Downtown Store")
Site Type No The type of site, either WAREHOUSE or SALES_CHANNEL
Region No The region to which the site belongs
Latitude No The geographic latitude of the site
Longitude No The geographic longitude of the site

3. Products

Basic product information is provided in this table, which is not editable.

Column Name Editable Description
Product Name No The name of the product (e.g., "Milk 1L")

4. Demand Plan

The Demand Plan is displayed as a pivot table from the user input data. Each period appears as a column, with demand quantities being editable.

Column Name Editable Description
Site Name No The name of the SALES_CHANNEL site
Product Name No The name of the product
Period 1, Period 2, … Yes Columns representing each period’s demand (e.g., "Period 1," "Period 2"). You can edit the forecasted demand quantities as needed.

5. BOH Inventory

This table shows the beginning on-hand (BOH) inventory for each product at each site.

Column Name Editable Description
Site Name No The name of the site
Product Name No The name of the product
BOH Quantity Yes The quantity available at the start of the planning period, which you can adjust based on actual inventory levels.

6. On Route Inventory

The On Route Inventory is presented as a pivot table with dates converted into period columns. The quantities for each period are editable.

Column Name Editable Description
Site Name No The name of the destination site
Product Name No The name of the product
Period 1, Period 2, … Yes Columns representing each period’s inventory in transit (e.g., "Period 1," "Period 2"). You can adjust these quantities based on expected shipments.

7. Inventory Target

This table defines inventory targets for each product at each warehouse.

Column Name Editable Description
Site Name No The name of the WAREHOUSE site
Product Name No The name of the product
Target Stock Cover Yes The desired inventory cover in terms of the number of periods. You can adjust this based on your inventory policy.
Service Level Yes The target service level percentage (e.g., 95%). You can update this if your service level requirements change.
Demand Variance Yes The expected demand variance. This can be modified to reflect more accurate data.
Supply Portion Yes The portion of supply responsibility when there are multiple warehouses in the same region. Adjust as necessary.

8. Purchasing Policy

This table defines purchasing policies for each warehouse and product combination.

Column Name Editable Description
Site Name No The name of the WAREHOUSE site
Product Name No The name of the product
Supplier Name No The name of the supplier
Lead Time Yes The lead time to receive the product, expressed in the same unit as the period length. Modify this if supplier lead times change.
Unit Cost Yes The cost per unit when purchasing from this supplier. You can adjust this based on updated pricing.

9. Transportation Policy

This table outlines transportation policies between sites.

Column Name Editable Description
Origin Site Name No The name of the site where inventory is sourced from
Destination Site Name No The name of the site where inventory is sent
Transportation Mode No The mode of transportation (e.g., Road, Rail, Air)
Cost Per Unit Yes The transportation cost per unit. Adjust this value if transportation costs change.
Transit Time Yes The number of periods required for transportation, expressed in the same unit as the period length. Modify this based on actual transit times.

10. Purchasing Activation

The Purchasing Activation sheet allows you to specify whether a purchasing policy is active for each time period. This sheet operates as a pivot table, with each period displayed in columns, and allows editing.

Column Name Editable Description
Product Name No The name of the product involved in the purchasing policy
Site Name No The name of the WAREHOUSE site
Supplier Name No The name of the supplier
Period 1, Period 2, … Yes Columns representing each period (e.g., "2024-W39," "2024-W40"). You can indicate whether purchasing from this supplier is active (TRUE) or inactive (FALSE) for each period.


  • Adjust the TRUE/FALSE values as needed to reflect when a purchasing policy should be activated for each time period.

11. Transportation Activation

The Transportation Activation sheet specifies whether a transportation route between sites is active for each time period. Similar to Purchasing Activation, this sheet functions as a pivot table.

Column Name Editable Description
Product Name No The name of the product involved in the transportation policy
Origin Site Name No The name of the site where inventory is sourced from
Destination Site Name No The name of the site where inventory is sent
Transportation Mode No The mode of transportation (e.g., Road, Rail, Air)
Period 1, Period 2, … Yes Columns representing each period (e.g., "2024-W39," "2024-W40"). Set TRUE or FALSE to indicate if the transportation route is active for that period.

Tips for Using the Input View

  • Always double-check the data before running the optimization to ensure accuracy.
  • Use the navigation menu to switch between sheets efficiently.
  • Remember that some fields are locked to maintain data integrity and consistency.
  • Click the "Update Data" button to save your changes. If you do not click this button, any modifications made will not be used in the optimization process.